Tokyo Revengers Last Mission is an action game for Android devices based on the Tokyo Revengers anime. The story revolves around Takemichi Hanagaki, a 26-year-old who one day receives the news that his high school sweetheart has passed away. Takemichi, saddened by the news, manages to travel back in time to prevent this from happening.
Follow the original story
Tokyo Revengers Last Mission brings you scenes and 3D settings from the anime, so you can relive this story of action and friendship. In Tokyo Revengers Last Mission you will travel around Shibuya, Takemichi High School and many other iconic anime locations. For this reason, if you are a fan of the story, you are bound to enjoy the game and revel in reliving Takemichi's great moments and those of his friends. Tokyo Revengers Last Mission also includes new scenes that will enrich your experience. By far the most important part of the game is teaming up with your favorite characters.
Fight alongside your friends
In Tokyo Revengers Last Mission the action centers around the battle between youth gangs. You will need to fight all kinds of enemies and, in order to win, you will need your own team. To form a team, you will be joined by several characters at the beginning of the story, but if you want the strongest characters, you will have to win them through the game's gacha system. Each of the characters has their own abilities, which will help you to win. But one of the neatest aspects of Tokyo Revengers Last Mission is that it has a cooperation system that makes it possible to combine characters' moves.
If you want to experience the story of Tokyo Revengers, you have to play Tokyo Revengers Last Mission.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 7.0 or higher required
I want to play
Very good ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
good game
The game is great, and it includes my favorite character, Izana.
This game is very exciting.